Although project portfolio management has experienced huge popularity over the past two decades, there continues to be some confusion about where it fits in the scheme of strategic planning. The implementation of a PPM process has primarily been dropped in the lap of the Project Management Office (PMO). However, the owners and primary benefactors are the senior managers—the same individuals responsible for strategic and tactical planning.
In this eBook, we will explore the power of Project Portfolio Management—when it connects wholeheartedly with strategy set by an organization’s executive leaders. You’ll learn:
- 3 imperatives managed with PPM for the success of your strategic plans
- how to determine if you have the right people positioned in key organizational roles for strategic PPM
- strategies for optimizing your portfolio decision making
At the end of this eBook, you should have a firmer understanding of the connection between strategy and project portfolio management. As a result, you should be able to take this understanding back to your projects with an analytical eye to answer, “How does this project take the firm to a Desired Future State?”
Get a Sneak Peek at the Connecting the Dots Between Strategic Planning and Project Portfolio Management eBook:
With PPM, we are not reinventing a new management process, or adding a new layer. PPM is not a revision to, or replacement of, traditional Project Management. It’s probably something you’ve already been doing, but without a formal process, and with the wrong tools.
What it essentially represents is a restructuring of existing best practices in Strategic Planning and Project Management, in order to have greater integration and accountability in what have traditionally been separate systems. PPM bridges that gap with improved communication and information flow. It provides a standardized platform for decisions regarding adding, re-planning, or deactivating projects within the portfolio.