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Sciforma Named a Top EPPM Software by Users and SoftwareReviews

Investing in EPPM software for your business is a critical decision—and not a simple one. The decision involves a variety of factors, from features and price to innovation and vendor relationship. Whether you’re looking to help narrow down your options, inform your evaluation, or reinforce your choice to bring on a technology partner, the Sciforma Buyer Experience Report from SoftwareReviews […]


Where Strategy Meets Execution: Collaborative Work Management for Business Agility

More and more these days, organizations are investing in strategic initiatives to position themselves more competitively on the market. So why do 70% of these strategic initiatives fail, according to McKinsey? And how can Collaborative Work Management software like Sciforma Deliver turn things around? Download our eBook to get Sciforma’s insights on:


The PMO Checklist for 2024

Recent years have tested the resilience and adaptability of business like never before, making it a pivotal era for PMOs to give their very best to their organization. That’s where our PMO Checklist comes in—to provide insights into 2024 best practices for the PMO, to help drive higher business performance amidst: Faced with all of […]


Why PPM and PMOs Fail

PMOs and PPM efforts can fail, as many as half can be classified as implementation failures within the first three years. Download this eBook and learn the pitfalls so you can avoid failure and achieve success


7 Challenges Every PMO Must Overcome

Every PMO will be faced with challenges and the better prepared you are to face them, the better you will overcome them. This eBook walks you through 7 PMO challenges you might face and how to conquer them


The Expert Guide to Selecting the Right PPM Partner

There are many PPM partners available to your business, and picking the right one could be make or break for you. Read this guide today to find out how you can evaluate which PPM partner is right for you


Developing a Business Case for Digitalizing PPM

Whatever your industry, you need to be able to build a rock solid business case for digitalization. This guide has everything you’ll need build the business case for digitizing your project management processes


Identify PPM Pain Points and KPIs

Do you know your pain points and KPIs as well as you should? Download and follow this framework today to find out exactly what you should be working to fix and what targets you need to hit


Project Portfolio Management for Financial Services

Project portfolio management in the financial services sector can be a real minefield. We guide you through the pitfalls present and lead you to the opportunities available in this eBook
