
News, tips, and best practices for project and portfolio leaders


What is Portfolio Rationalization & What Can it Do for Your PMO?

Even the most optimized project portfolios are subject to change over time. Portfolio rationalization is one technique project management professionals can use to ensure their portfolios continue to align with strategic goals as an organization grows. It’s an important part of the modern portfolio management process, which defines portfolios specifically as groups of projects, programs, […]

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Resource Capability Management: Supporting evolving skills 

We want to consider today the idea of resource capability management – the skills that an organization needs.  There tends to be a lot of focus on resource capacity – ensuring that there are enough people to complete the work.  But unless those people also have skills and experience that align with the work that […]

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What is a Resource Allocation Matrix in Project Management? Why Use One?

Without the resources–that is, the people, tools, funds, technology, etc.–to follow through on it, even the best project plan could fall flat on its face. That means that as PMOs and organizations evaluate projects, portfolios, and programs for their feasibility and potential value, the resources they require should also be considered. A resource allocation matrix […]

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How to Conduct a PPM Maturity Assessment (& What They Can Teach Your Organization)

Once an organization entering the realm of project management addresses its immediate needs, an important question comes to light: Now what? Successful project management typically leads to significant growth for organizations, which naturally prompts the need for more complex approaches over time. However, to meet this demand, organizations must lay a firm foundation to support […]

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How to Create a Burndown Chart to Power Your Sprints

A burndown chart (sometimes also called a “burning chart”) is a method for tracking efficiency in Agile project management. It provides a simple way to visualize the number of tasks your team completed against the number of tasks your team still needs to complete. The line of incomplete tasks slowly diminishes along with the ideal […]

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How to Implement Enterprise Project Management

Enterprise project management (EPM) is what it sounds like: project management, but for huge businesses. But it isn’t always simple to implement. Large corporations sometimes have hundreds of projects going on at once. That means that they need a centralized way to manage all of them effectively. That’s where enterprise project management comes in.   […]

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Resource Allocation: The right people for the right job 

In the next couple of blogs, we want to explore some of the areas of resource management that can be the most problematic in more detail, starting with resource allocation.  Resource allocation often gets less attention that the related concept of risk utilization, but it is arguably more important.  Resource allocation is about what your […]

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You can’t deliver business agility alone – Business Agility #2

Business agility – the ability of an organization to adjust and adapt to shifting environments and priorities, is becoming better understood.  Business leaders are recognizing that they need to be willing to adapt and adjust their plans regularly to ensure that their prioritized investments remain aligned with the strategic priorities.  And they are embracing the […]

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All change!  And again, all change! – Business Agility #1

Just as it seems that the world can’t accelerate any further, it does.  Technology continues to redefine what is possible for your business, with emerging capabilities resulting in shifting customer expectations and a redefinition of the level of performance that you must achieve.  As a result, no matter how good your plans are, they are […]

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What is Resource Management? Definition, Examples & Benefits

Resources are the building blocks of a finished project’s masterpiece. Without the right resources, a project can easily spin out of control and fail to meet its objectives on time. But without some system to manage those resources, it’s easy for things to be built too high, wobble, and fall. Any project management office (PMO) […]

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The Importance of a Change Management Adoption Plan

In the last blog, we explored the idea of change within projects and discussed the importance of embracing change as an inevitable part of how work happens today. However, simply changing a project’s deliverables in response to evolving operating environments and shifting organizational priorities isn’t enough. For those solutions to actually achieve the required business […]

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Taking a Change Management Approach to Project Planning

Projects—developing a new product or service, an internal systems upgrade, an improved process, and so on—are all about preparing for the future. After all, your organization approved the work in the first place to provide anticipated value to the customer or organization. But as we know, the world doesn’t stand still while you work on […]

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