CWM software Enabling Employees to Succeed

Almost my entire career, I’ve focused on projects in one form or another. I managed my first project in my mid 20s and have since led projects, programs, portfolios, PMOs, and the like for multiple industries in multiple countries. All those things have been vastly different, yet they have also had some things in common. In particular, they required people to work together to succeed, which was relatively easy when people worked in the same place. These days, however, it relies on the ability for people to work together when they may physically be remote from each other, quite possibly in different countries or time zones. That means that teams, and the organizations that employ those teams, must rely on collaborative work management (CWM) capabilities in their tools. 

As the name suggests, CWM aims to allow people to work more effectively and efficiently together. After the forced remote work and shift to digital work methods caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, you might think that organizations have this under control. But apparently, that’s not the case. A 2023 Gartner study found that 47% of digital workers struggle to find the information or data needed to do their jobs. At the risk of stating the obvious, that’s a lot! 


Information is the Foundation

Providing a tool that allows people to work together in real time is great. Supplying functionality that encourages brainstorming, captures the idea generation and refinement process, and eliminates the barriers of distance is awesome. But without reliable, complete, timely data, it’s not going to make much difference. 

No matter how well people can work together, if they don’t have the information they need, they can’t make the best decisions. This is the problem with many CWM sotwares. They were put in place at the time of the pandemic when the focus was simply on continuing the ability to work. With speed as the priority, effectiveness suffered. And the gaps created by that rapid implementation haven’t been addressed. Which is why almost half of digital workers say that they can’t do their job. 


CWM Software: An Extension of Other Capabilities 

At Sciforma we take a different approach. We recognize how critical it is to enable people to work together, especially in the project environments we support. Our project portfolio management (PPM) solution provides exactly that ability. But it does it by integrating CWM with the rest of our project and portfolio management capabilities. 

With Sciforma, organizations, project managers, and teams can manage portfolios, programs, projects, and other discretionary investments with complete confidence. All data can be integrated into our single platform, regardless of: 

  • the structure of the work
  • the approach used to deliver it 
  • the complexity of the initiative 

With Sciforma, your people can work together effectively and efficiently. They can share ideas, work together on key deliverables, and solve problems together. And they can do it without ever sacrificing the ability to access all the data they need at any time. Better collaboration, better decisions, better results. Contact us now.

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Andy Jordan

Andy Jordan is President of Roffensian Consulting S.A., a Roatan, Honduras based management consulting firm with a strong emphasis on organizational transformation, portfolio management, and PMOs. Andy is an in-demand keynote speaker and author who delivers thought provoking content in an engaging and entertaining style. He is also an instructor in project management-related disciplines, including PMO and portfolio management courses on LinkedIn Learning.