San Diego (PMO Symposium, November 7, 2016). Sciforma, a leading provider of easy-to-use Enterprise PPM software for large and mid-size companies, announces a new portfolio management dashboard. The dashboard, called Portfolio Status Overview (PSO), gives PfMs and PMOs a single point of entry for quickly assessing details, trends, and issues for ongoing projects. Further, it is entirely configurable to respect users’ unique business processes, and features an interface designed for intuitive use. PSO will be unveiled at the PMO Symposium (San Diego, November 6-9).

PSO helps portfolio managers reduce risks, optimize resources and investment, and ensure projects are delivered on time, budget, and scope. To do so, it enables users to quickly check the status of all ongoing projects, spot any issues, and drill down through the details to identify the root causes. Analysis of the history and trends provides rapid insight into anything that is going wrong, when and why.

“We recognize that our users face new challenges and greater expectations,” notes Fabien Herelle, Sciforma VP of Solutions. “Because of this, we worked closely with key customers to better understand portfolio managers, project managers, and PMOs’ use cases. Integrating their input in the design process, we created PSO, a new, redesigned experience for our portfolio management users.”

Sciforma PSO features

  • Global View: an overview of all the Projects and Products of the selected Portfolio.
  • Detailed View: to delve into the specifics of the Projects and Products of the selected Portfolio.
  • History popup: for keeping track of previous Status Reports created by the Project/Product Managers.
  • Time section: summarizes the status of the phases of the project and their progress, with emphasis on any late tasks.
  • Budget section: compares the Cost with the Budget and presents the financial indicators.
  • Contributors section: lists the resources working on the Project and displays the participation by Organization.
  • Phases / Gates section: lists all the Phases and Gates of the Product with their Workflow State, Cost Center, Progress and dates.
  • Deliverables section: gathers all Product Deliverables by Phase with progress and comments.
  • Rating section: displays the rating and score of the product.

Like all the other parts of the Sciforma PPM platform, the PSO is versatile and scalable. Portfolio management dashboard solutions can be used at a functional and execution level to increase project productivity as well as at a strategic level to increase business visibility and profitability.

Sciforma portfolio management dashboard

About Sciforma

Sciforma is one of the largest providers of Portfolio & Project Management software, delivering solutions to more than a quarter million users worldwide since 1982. The company offers flexible and easy-to-use multi-platform project management and project portfolio management software solutions. Businesses that have multiple projects from multiple clients (including internal customers) need to be able to prioritize efforts that will bring the best results to the company. The configurable Sciforma PPM solution provides project managers and executives the ability to analyze investments, plan capacity, manage risks, and control expenses better. For more information, visit: Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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