The Expert Guide to Collaborative Work Management

Collaborative work can trigger significant productivity gains and enable project organizations to run with increased flexibility. Embracing collaboration is also a way to acknowledge some of the most meaningful trends reshaping the workplace, like the increasingly geographically dispersed workforce and new generations of employees with superior digital literacy. But with these nuances comes a need for collaborative work management tactics that bring everything together. Below, we explore what collaborative work management is and how project and portfolio management teams can unleash its potential.

Choosing the Right Enterprise Collaborative Work Management Software Solution

Collaborative work management can exist on its own, but it can also be integrated into a project portfolio management software like Sciforma. Tools like time tracking, resource allocation and management, data collection, and seamless communication features make it simple to oversee tasks and progress, no matter who you are. 

The best collaborative work management solution, then, is one that centralizes all the information and planning you need to do to effectively support a functional workplace.

A Note on Enterprise Collaborative Work Management

New workforce expectations and changes in how we work and manage workflows have fostered the rise of what is now known as “enterprise work management,” or EWM. Instead of focusing on individual teams or departments, enterprise work management enables seamless collaboration across large organizations. It aligns all platforms, teams, technologies, strategies, and processes to effectively scale work management optimization across the entire enterprise.

Traditional, lower-tier work management platforms and methods owe their success to their ability to improve productivity and cut costs. But enterprise work management takes these benefits to the next level. It is no longer about improving ways of working and collaboration within a team or a function. It is about organization-wide optimization.

The goal of EWM is to push the entire organization forward, which means having a deep knowledge of not just its individual pieces, but how it functions as a whole. In fact, an IBM study found that “organizations that adopt a holistic approach to EWM realize their goals in achieving a competitive advantage 43% more than their peers.”

The same study also observes that most enterprise work management adopters fall within a subgroup called Agility Outperformers. These organizations pay attention to corporate culture and employee experience to ensure they fit with organisational goals, are willing to create new cross functional roles specifically tasked with improving collaboration and focus on platform and data integration. They allegedly record better business results than organizations that use multiple, disconnected work management platforms.

So, when implementing CWM solutions, it’s important to consider how they might impact not only specific teams, but the entire organization. A scalable solution that can be adjusted to include everything you need – and nothing you don’t – is an ideal choice.

Why Collaborative Work Management Software is Key

With the help of features such as document sharing, messaging interfaces, and shared workspaces, collaborative work management software brings all that you need to know to oversee workflows to one place. Some examples of how a CWM software can benefit both project teams and enterprises include:

  • Detailed task planning, with tools to allocate specific resources and create milestone tasks with automatic calculation of effort and completion.
  • Project tracking, with features that help identify variations within the detail so that you can plan remedial action where needed.
  • Task management, with the ability to identify progress issues, replan for unexpected events, and visualize the critical path.
  • Kanban and Gantt project management tools.
  • Project time tracking, with the ability to record as much or as little data as the PMO needs.

After adopting collaborative work management tools, enterprises usually report improved control over project progress and resource utilization, prompter risk and issue management, better decisions and interactions internally, and faster project delivery. Long story short: value.

Sciforma: Your Top Collaborative Work Management Software

Designed to help organizations harness the power of collaboration, Sciforma is built with all the features a work management team needs to align its efforts with strategic goals. 

Sciforma’s visual collaboration capabilities empower team members to work as one to achieve more. They ensure that all stakeholder knows what’s really happening with every portfolio, project, and team process, etc. From there, team members can contribute more easily to the tasks that are assigned to them, have better visibility on the decisions that need to be made, and can escalate issues in real time, all while collaborating efficiently with other parties.

The best part? Sciforma’s tool and interfaces are customizable and modular to accommodate different types of projects and processes. This way, our software can also adapt to the needs of various user groups and departments. 

Our collaborative work management software solutions are meant to help you shape what collaborative work management means to your organization. Automate tasks, accurately assess risks or value, and eliminate the noise that comes with managing different platforms or resources. In other words: centralize everything your workplace uses to deliver on its goals with the help of Sciforma.