React fast to change while keeping aligned with the company’s strategy and objectives

Manage constant updates to the demand and project pipeline 

Identify and prioritize your highest–impact projects and program initiatives with ease and reprioritize seamlessly when business considerations change

Optimize project and resource management 

Support continuous delivery by providing project teams with the flexibility to work in their methodology of choice. Regardless of the methodology used, you can effortlessly consolidate, report on, and visualize projects. 

Empower decision-making with realtime reporting 

Provide regular or ondemand status reports with built-in audit trail capabilities, configurable KPIs, and subjective and objective indicators for steering committee and status report history management. 

Key features and functionality for adaptive project management

When overnight change is the only constant, inflexible governance, strict waterfall delivery, and annual planning cycles won’t give you the business edge. Evolve your organization towards a flexible project and resource management practice, where work is aligned with strategic objectives.

  • Project intake & governance
  • Project planning & tracking
  • Resource management & capacity planning
  • Project work & collaboration management
  • Dashboards & reporting
Project intake & governance

Sciforma provides a structured environment that makes it easy to select and execute the projects with the best chance of achieving business outcomes.

  • Intake forms. Assess and plan all projects based on the same criteria.
  • Single centralized web portal. View and evaluate all proposed and ongoing projects.

Automated workflow-driven process. Streamline decision-making/approvals, from intake to in-flight projects.

Adaptive Project Management Software Page 
Project planning & tracking

Allow each project team to use their preferred methodology, while you retain an integrated view over all statuses and progress.

  • Blend agile and waterfall methods in a single project. We support Agile, Waterfall, Phase Gates, and CCPM.
  • Powerful Gantt view. Manage the project’s critical path, assignments, costs, deliverables, and risks.
  • Delegate part of a project to a local manager. Appoint a team member to oversee particular tasks’ and projects’ KPIs, status reporting, and work package delivery parameters.
Resource management & capacity planning

Know your exact resource utilization and availability, mobilize them with speed, and adjust resource plans pre-project and in-flight with agility.

  • Customizable resource request and allocation workflows.
  • Resource utilization heat maps. Identify underutilized and over-worked resources for in-flight and planned project scenarios.
  • Portfolio simulation. Optimize resource utilization by creating various what-if scenarios and updating project timelines.
Project work & collaboration management

Enable automatic sharing and communication of relevant information across projects, portfolios, teams, and timelines to democratize learning and replicate best practices.

  • Team members see their to-do’s and manage deliverables across projects from a Kanban board view.
  • Members can discuss and collaborate, share documents and results, or raise alerts in real-time
  • Integrations with Microsoft Teams and Google Workspaces so contributors can input from tools they already use.
Dashboards & reporting

With all data related to your portfolio in one place, you can easily generate real-time reports to manage business stakeholder expectations and course-correct where necessary.

  • Apply common reporting formats to track financials, KPIs, and success metrics.
  • Create custom reporting dashboards or choose from over 60 templates.
  • Provide view-only reporting dashboards to stakeholders (or the entire company) at no extra cost.

Integrate with other tools in your organization

Automate end-to-end value delivery


Jira & DevOps

Link Jira or DevOps to Sciforma to retrieve actual activity logs and generate accurate time and completion reports. Customized mapping for other use cases is also available.


Microsoft Teams

For a faster and easier user experience, team members can fill in timesheets or collaborate on assigned work directly in Microsoft Teams.


BI Software

Any data from Sciforma can be pulled into your BI tools. You can create as many connections as you need using Sciforma’s Rest API.

Discover our critical capabilities

Sciforma has been designed to address key pain points which directly impact PMO Objectives/KPIs that align with the core C-level objective of achieving profitable growth.